Osmani Nagar Islamic Academy Dakhil Madrasha is a school that is located in GoalaBazar, Sylhet, Bangladesh. The school occupies 103 decimal lands. In the school, there are 350 pupils studying at the school. There are 162 male students and 188 female students. The classes range from year 1 to year 11. It’s a primary and secondary combination. The school provides a standard education for all pupils and they have a department which focuses on training students to become hafiz of the Quran. The school has twenty-one teachers and two teaching assistants. The school facilities have a total of eleven rooms and one computing room.

Out of 350, only 150-160 students each year need financial support, as the rest of the 200 pupils’ families are able to pay their own way. Since the start of the school, they have had 129 students graduate and now play an active role in the Islamic community. Most of the 150-160 students come from disadvantaged backgrounds. The school targets to graduate 3-5 students each year as Hafiz of the Quran.

Head Teacher: Mohamed Maulana Sikandar Ali

He passed them, attaining a high grade of 1stClass. He has been a head teacher in school for the last fifteen years. He is one of the greatest assets to the Madrasah and he is very pro-active in helping students. He is always creating a good atmosphere for the pupils so they can excel in their learning.

Assistant Head Teacher: Maulana Kalisur Rahman

He studied for his Bachelors Honours in the English Language at Sylhet MC College, Sylhet. After graduating, he carried on his studies for M.S.S Political Science at National University Dhaka.